Saturday, December 8, 2007

Santa Baby!

Outside Santa's house in downtown Old Colorado, is his sleigh. We love to pretend we are at the helm of Santa's sleigh. It was snowing and lovely!
Taylor and Lydia on Santa's sleigh.

Santa snuck into this picture with Daddy and the girls. Jeff said later that when Santa got up, he nearly pulled Jeff over pushing off of him to get up -- must be all those cookies and milk.

Little Miss Maddy!

Santa meets the tres chicas! Lydia was crying, which made Maddy cry and Taylor just didn't know what to do! Almost too hysterical! Poor kids and the suffering we put them through!!

Look at Taylor, you know she is thinking what am I supposed to do????

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Today we woke up to a blanket of snow, and before making our annual trip to Old Town, the girls went for a little walk through the snow. Taylor teased me saying that she was going to make snow angels. Didn't she know that she already was a snow angel? Such a beautiful scene. I just love living in the snow.
Every road is so pretty, every tree a sculpture, it almost takes my breath away, and I guess the cold sometimes does!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Thanksgiving together in Missouri!

Phoebe and Nanny!

Aunt Minnie and Maddy!

Maddy giving Papa a hard time!

Taylor looks thrilled, huh?

Phoebe's making crazy faces!

Jeff and Lydia.

Jeff's sister, Ann and her family.

We drove 10 hours to Missouri and got in about 2 am. The drive really wasn't too bad. The girls were good and we made good time. Thank heavens we arrived safely. The Thanksgiving dinner that Aunt Minne and Uncle Bob prepared was awesome!

Smile, smile, smile, Maddy's first smiles!

I realize that it is Dec 5th, HB Glenn, but remember the cat ate the cable that I needed to download pics from my camera. Nevertheless, here is Maddy's first smiles, back on Novemeber 5th.

I truly think the shirt inspired her!

I just love these sweet feet. Too dang cute!

Let's Build a Car and Race!

2nd Annual cubbie Race for Taylor

Taylor puts sprinkles on her car! Isn't it so cute?

In the line up, ready to race. Did we get the tires glued on solid this year? ONLY, Daddy knows the answer to that!

Taylor puts her car up on the track for a race.
We didn't lose, we didn't win either, but we had fun.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Maddy's New Pictures

A joyful and lovely spirit, Maddy .
Did I mention, Mommy's new joyful spirit, since she is only waking up one time during the night. Hallelujah!
Maddy, ten weeks this week, is winning us all over with her cooing and cute complaining she does. Lydia, well you know, is still kissing her at all costs, a hundred times a day. Taylor wants to hold her.....for 30 seconds and then she is done. Daddy, well he is already captured by her. Is it possible he will have enough stamina to love four girls? I am almost 100% sure he is, he is doing such a good job now.
bye for now - jd

Tinkerbelle, Witch and Giraffe, a crazy bunch together!

Here they are in their Halloween costumes, by

themselves. Do you wonder why they are the twinkles in our eye?

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Monday, November 5, 2007

This isn't the most lady like of poses for Tinkerbelle, but here she is singing itsy bitsy spider at her school. Her teacher Mrs. Failing is to her right.
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Taylor's school had a Halloween party. They got to smash the spider pinata. Daddy said she was the best slugger of the group. Then they sang itsy bitsy spider.
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Taylor and Lydia are supposed to be cleaning out
their pumpkins, but while Taylor works, Lydia is
eating raw pumpkin seeds. Crazy!
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Love this picture of Taylor!
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Just loving the freedome to do her own!
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