Saturday, November 1, 2008

Trick or Treat, smell my sweet feet!

A cute dolly and Dorothy, just so sweet.
Minnie Mouse joins the girls.
Disney called they want their Minnie Mouse back!
Trick or treat at Bill and Nina's house.

For the first Halloween since we've lived here it was nice out. No winter coats hiding your costume, we went to some friends house and had a fire pit and the kids trick or treated with the Daddy's. It was like being in California, and it was a very memorable night.
Maddy is enjoying the fire on a swing.

Kari and Madders. boo!

The fireplace business is going gang busters. Daddy
was working late and almost missed the festivities. Thank heavens
he made it because this is one of his favorite "jobs" is to take his three
sweets trick or treating. Praise God for the the work we have coming in though!

Maddy tries to go for a ride.

Trick or Treat everybody!

Trick or Treat, smell my sweet feet!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Spirit Day at PPSEL!

Justus, Taylor and Adelaide, Taylor's favorite people.
Ms. Sherry, their Kindergarten teacher.

Taylor all green and whited out! Mommy made her
entire outfit...pretty cute. Well, she is of course!

Taylor is ready for School Spirit Day!

Squash Sculptors - - 2008

Taylor and Daddy get into their pumpkins!
doesn't Lydia's pumpkin, look like her? Well, except for the chocolate on Lydia's face!
She had treats from her preschool party.
Lydia is always so dang happy!
Here we are the squash sculptors!
Madders gets a slice of the pumpkin! on her head! Daddy is so silly!
Happy to be a part of this activity with her sisters! Can you see her teeth?

Monday, July 28, 2008

Camping Trip with the Boys, Buffalo Creek, CO

My sister's kids, Dylan and JJ came and spent some time
with us this summer. What a time we had. We sure realized
how much we missed having them around. We went
camping the first weekend they got here.
Lydia, Maddy, Mommy and Daddy got sick and JJ....
Dylan. Trying to find a good fishing spot. That
was a little hard with the other kids splashing all around
the creek.
JJ and Taylor. Cute
Jeff trying to fish....didn't catch anything this time!
JJ, was goofing around the fire and fell. Thank
God, is was only slight burn, because it truly
could have been catatrophic.
The kids!

The Arches State Park, UT

Gosh aren't we a cute family!

Taylor spotted this lizard. What amazing eyes.

Mom and the Girls.

Daddy enjoying the park with the kids.

Zion State Park, Utah

Day two Disneyland!

Maddy and Cinderella
Taylor and Cinderella

Finally, Lydia with Cinderella.
Lydia was just speechless. She could hardly believe it!
All three girls with Cinderella.
Taylor, Lydia and Mulan!
With Goofy, Mommy's favorite!
Mommy and Lydia....too beautiful in her princess dress and tiara!
Mommy, Nani and three little princesses!
Our family......what a blessing!
Nani and her littlest princess!

Disneyland....what fun!

Nani and Auntie Darlene at the Happiest Place on Earth....
and they both liked the same hat!
Maddy loving every second of it!

Lydia is concerned about something, and telling Daddy
all about it!
What is up with that shave job Jeff?

What a princess!

For once, Mommy is in a picture.

In Front of Cinderella's castle!
The new Nemo ride....was fun!
Play hard, sleep harder....