Thursday, January 3, 2008

Christmas Day -2007

Enjoying the dollhouse that Santa brought.
A star is born, and is opening presents. Her future is so bright she has to wear shades.
Who is that movie star amongst us?
Taylor got a new desk set, and loved it!
Lydia shows Mommy her new doll. Nani got Lydia a Madame Alexander doll that came with a puppy and carrier.
She loved that !
Nani got Taylor an American Girl Doll that looks just like her.
She even has a dog named Coconut.
Taylor gives Nani hugs for her new doll.
Santa brought the girls a new dollhouse.
Lydia loved it so much, we had a hard time getting her to open any other gifts.
She finally said no more when she still had a stack to open.
Maddy slept in and missed most of the present opening. When she awoke, she was loved on a whole bunch. Nani and Glen give her some bottle. Cuz, boy was she hungry.
Lydia found a chocolate coin to eat - yummy!
Nani and Lydia!
An adorable hat from Aunt Marsha!

Quiet time for Lydia and one of her new babies!

What a glorious day we all had. We cherished the time we had with Nani and Glenn. The girls seemed to understand how fortunate they were for the many gifts they recieved, from far and near. They were so thankful! Yes, I know they are just kids but we hope that we are teaching them how blessed they are, and that not all children have such wonderful and beautiful things.
Thank you to all who sent gifts, and cards of well wishes.
Our friends and family are truly the gifts.
Lots of love and kisses!

Christmas Eve -2007

Santa Baby!
Our newest little Santa getting a little lovin' from her daddy.
He isn't smitten is he?
Nani wrestling Maddy to get dressed for church!
Mommy and her tres chicas!
They are in the Christmas best and
looking smashing don't you think?
The Domanowski Family
(Mom forgot her lipstick!)
WOW, everyone is cooperating!
Nani and her tres chicas before going to Christmas Eve Candlelight services.
They all look so happy nuzzled next to their Nani.
Merry Christmas!

A surprise visit from Santa on Christmas Eve!

Taylor and Santa!

Lydia and Santa with a little help from Mommy!

Santa brought Taylor a new Barbie.

Taylor got a new Barbie too!

Glenn and Jeff help the girls with their new Barbies!

Christmas Eve Presents - what could they be?

Nani gets a little help from Taylor.

Lydia and her dirty chocolate face - it wouldn't be Christmas without Chocolate on Lydia's face!

A new hat for Jeff, is that a new addition to the PJ repertoire? News to me!
Taylor's new PJ's - she is so surprised!

Lydia's new Christmas Eve duds!
The girls in their jammies!

Maddy's new Pj's!

Maddy and her big sis Taylor!

Cookies, carrots and pink milk ?!?
Must be milk for Santa from the tres chicas house!
Enjoy Santa, the milk is always pink at our house!

Oh what fun at Christmastime!

We had a good time waiting for Santa to arrive. Taylor got sick on the 23rd when Nani and Glenn arrived and Jeff got sick on Christmas Eve, thankfully all had recovered by Christmas.

Daddy and Maddy in their Santa hats, feeling quite festive!

Maddy's first Christmas - doing it up right!
A smile too cute to ignore!

The Great Gingerbread Build - 2007

Taylor and Lydia show off their handy work.

Creating awesome spectacles of sugar and candy!

Lydia cheesin' for the camera.
Maddy just kickin' back enjoying the time!
Daddy and Taylor create together. Daddy tried to put a fire place on their gingerbread house, but it kept sliding off. What a bummer.

Family fun!

Christmas Party at Taylor's School

This is Andrew, he is Taylor's friend. Andrew has a crush on Taylor. His mom tells me that he includes Taylor in his prayers every night. So cute!
Taylor enjoying the treats at her class's Christmas party.
Taylor and her teacher Mrs. Failing. Did we mention that Taylor's progress report was exemplary, perfect. She is so advance, and now we have someone else's opinion that she is besides our own! Way to go Taylor, keep up the good work!
Taylor singing and dancing at the program. Her teacher Ms. Lisa is next to her.