Saturday, November 1, 2008

Trick or Treat, smell my sweet feet!

A cute dolly and Dorothy, just so sweet.
Minnie Mouse joins the girls.
Disney called they want their Minnie Mouse back!
Trick or treat at Bill and Nina's house.

For the first Halloween since we've lived here it was nice out. No winter coats hiding your costume, we went to some friends house and had a fire pit and the kids trick or treated with the Daddy's. It was like being in California, and it was a very memorable night.
Maddy is enjoying the fire on a swing.

Kari and Madders. boo!

The fireplace business is going gang busters. Daddy
was working late and almost missed the festivities. Thank heavens
he made it because this is one of his favorite "jobs" is to take his three
sweets trick or treating. Praise God for the the work we have coming in though!

Maddy tries to go for a ride.

Trick or Treat everybody!

Trick or Treat, smell my sweet feet!