Monday, November 2, 2009

Happy Halloween 2009

Cleaning out the ghourds, who knew it could be so fun....if you haven't seen Lydia's new do, isn't it cute, and maddy needs a do, or a barrette don't you think?
Taylor, with her billy bob tooth, it getting into the pumpkin carving thing!
So much fun!
Daddy gets home and gets real down and dirty with them......oh boy!
Maybe he might pop a blood vessel, someone help him out!
Nothing screams fall holidays like homemade yummy caramel apples and popcorn balls. Here Jeff is trying the first caramel apple of the season. I try to keep him happy through his tummy can you tell?
He loves them, they are a hit. He goes on to eat 2 by himself that night.
Boy carving pumpkins works up your appetite!
My darling three with there finished products!
No lights on....can you tell? Does it make a difference?
Maddy is so excited, but I bet I didn't have to tell you that!
Maddy was supposed to be a pink pig with a curly tail, but it is gone, must have lent
it out to someone and not gotten it back. But she was adorable as a lion. She would
even roar like a lion.
Everyone was all about the peace signs tonight, and daddy helps out, while
Maddy just takes it all in!
My three angels!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Maddy in her new apron!

nanny bug has gotten the girls an apron with their names on it.
maddy gots hers for her birthday. She wears it with pride.
Here she is making some cake! With her spoon, I DO IT!

This is the look that Daddy taught her, and mommy doesn't like it one bit.
Appears to be sassiness. But you should see them do it to each other, and
hear Daddy laugh. It really is sweet! Have I mentioned how totally terrific he is with his girls!
Truly amazing! Blessed am I!!
Gotta end on a super cute note!

Crazy Hair Day at Awana!

sept 27.2009 was crazy hair day at awana. Mommy
made their hair super crazy! I got Taylor's hair to stand
up all the way....can you say gobbs and gobbs of hairspray!!!!!!

taylor's hair was kind of a garden theme with butterflies and flowers and ladybugs, of course.
Wish I would've taken a side shot, it was pretty cool.

Lydia's hair was astonishing. I wanted it to look like snow, but she insisted on painting
my "snow balls" pink, her dressed matched. She won first place!
mommy subbed as a teacher in awana, so I got a bit crazy too!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Mass Ascension!

Labor Day Balloon Fest in Colorado Springs!!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Maddy Beth turns 2!

A little art on the driveway to celebrate her day!
Maddy when she just woke up on her birthday!
When Maddy woke up from her nap, we should her the bounce house, she cried!
It took her a bit to get used to the idea and then she was good with it!
Daddy helped her warm up to it...then her sisters came and helped her!
Taylor takes a peek at Mommy!
Happy Birthday Maddy!
Daddy and Maddy, they are quite a pair!
Maddy gives Daddy a kiss and Mommy catches it on film!
Maddy doesn't care what I have to do, she says hold me!

The gang, Laurie, Krist, Lexi, Stephanie, Baby Faith, Bill and Nina!
Happy Birthday to Maddy, happy birthday to Maddy!

Blow out your candles Maddy, oh what a good job!

Krist, Lexi and Laurie!

Curt and Katiana

Ms. Kari helps Maddy enjoy her cake and ice cream. Ms. Kari is one of her favorite people!!

Opening presents with Maddy was a hoot this year, she was so fun and animated. Mommy is looking forward to Christmas with this joyful and easily thrilled toddler!

Check out the news shoes from the Jenkins family, and another present gets opened, making sure nothing is hidden in the tissue paper!

The Mays got Maddy this bathing suit and the girls dressed her out in it!

Jeff and Krist!
Baby Faith, what an angel!