Monday, June 8, 2009

Trip to Branson, MO

Love this picture of Jeff and Maddy. What a sweet face.
Near sister in laws house.
Me and my sweet Madders.
This was a super cool swing, Maddy liked it.
Maddy walking, her land legs are still a little wobbly.
A tractor ride of sorts. We had fun!
The kiddos feeding the horses some carrots.
Maddy feeds the horse too, she is a little afraid.
Lydia and Aunt Minnie. Cute!
Taylor and her buddy Cousin Daniel!
Here we all are, after checking out some bird eggs and a nest.
Taylor Paige
Little Lydia Ora.
Mommy and Maddy on the tractor ride.....a bit scary at times.
Papa and his Tator Bug. Lamberts Restaurant

Lamberts restaurant is named by the Food Network as one of the Top Ten Places to Pig Out. They throw hot rolls at you. Boy are they worth the catch.
Maddy enjoys playing with the balloon.
The gang piggin' out.

Once we got to Branson, we rode the ducks. These are boats that drive on the roads. They gave us a nice tour and some history of the town and then they dove right into Table Rock lake. It was a lot of fun. They also gave you these duck noise makers. You can imagine the duck noises our group put out!

Taylor and Lydia and their duck quackers.

Mommy and Maddy on the duck ride.

Silver Dollar City. An amusement park that we spent an entire day at. It was a lot of fun.

Waiting for the train ride. We eventually were robbed by bandits on the ride.

We were safe, because a new sheriff arrived in town just in time.

Papa and Maddy.

Aunt Minnie and Taylor.

Lydia and Cousin Daniel on the ladybugs.

Lydia and Maddy cooling off in the wet zone.
The wild river ride. Jeff rode more than once.

The sight and sound play of Noah... Here we are inside the theater.

The kiddos in front of the theater. What an awesome performance.

Hanging out in the hotel.

Taylor driving her first go cart. We all had a turn, it was a great time.

Taylor and Lydia on the boat at Table Rock Lake

Aunt Minne and the girls.

Daddy and Maddy take a little dip in the lake. We went tubbing and fishing. It was a hoot!

Maddy got a turn at the wheel.

Enjoying the sun and water.

Daddy caught a little snuggle from Lydia.

Mommy and Maddy on the wave runner.

We loved the wave runner that we rented. Taylor and I decided we have to buy one of our own.

Daddy caught a huge catfish. With the sponge bob pole. Way to go Daddy!

Our last night in Missouri at Cooper's Landing.

The kids having a good time.

Brother, sister and Lydia

Enjoying the live music.

A beautiful sunset.

What a beautiful ending to our trip.
Note: We also brought home a boxed turtle that Jeff and the girls hunted down the morning we left. We named him Cooper for the best little hang out joint in Missouri.

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